Inside Bath |
Pictures courtesy of the internet :D Because for obvious reasons I can't take pictures inside myself.
It was pretty embarrassing and I kept my small towel covering myself the whole time (except when I was in the water and you can't take your towel in there).
There was an indoor and outdoor bath and a sauna as well as a jigoku "hell" sauna (it's just really hot, and it's muddy water so you don't actually go in it). I didn't go to the hell sauna though, although I wish I had because I wonder what it looks like in person.
So yeah, after this we headed to Kobayashi to go a Japanese temple (they were having some sort of event, only we didn't get to stay for the fun part since Kobayashi is pretty far from Miyazaki (the city) and we had to head back.
Japanese Temple.
Chanted some prayers.
Listened to old people talk.
Bought some stuff at the bazaar.
Outside Bath |
Here's a short badly done vlog about all this.
Starting with Part 1 (Aoshima & Haniwa) and then some temple chanting footage with a Korean song in the background. An American in Japan with Korean music. Yeah, it's just so international :D
Omg, the Onsen is so beautiful! <333 <33 Japanese architecture is amazing! :D <33